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Al Borland • 1 year ago

When I was a wee little lad and first saw sanji in the anime at the restauraunt I thought he was gonna be my #1 favorite character. But man, Zoro has time and time again shown he is my favorite. Ever since the Das Bones fight.

Kagiso Gillespie • 1 year ago

Zoro is the definition of a badass. Sanji follows more of the cool guy.

Con D Oriano • 1 year ago

Zoro is king, Sanji is prince

Insanity2222 • 1 year ago

sanji is a clown lmfao zoro cuts men and women

Rannen19 • 1 year ago

Sanji just respects women though even if it his enemy.

P.O.W.E.R • 1 year ago

If you respect them then you should be willing to fight them,acknowledging their strength.

Rorschach's Alter-Ego • 1 year ago

Regardless of the truth in that statement, in the world of One Piece, most powerful men never fight a woman seriously out of acknowledgement that most women are fragile and given certain statute in society. It's been shown time and again that most powerful pirates, navy, and revolutionaries are men, and women are more of a supporting role.

Also note, Japanese culture treats women with a certain "distance" and respect, but also as their "mothers", regardless of their age. It's a trait linked to ancient times where women gave birth and their lives were seen as more valuable than men. Oda is likely sticking to that culture. This was also the case in our reality not too long ago, until the age of Enlightment and the World Wars. Someone like Big Mom is the only exception because she's more of a monster than a woman 😂

But, I agree Zoro is more badass in the end, Oda ruined Sanji's character and potential, he could've been so much better. I'm just sad because he was my favourite character (still is!)

Edit: Also, also, given Sanji's backstory with his mother and sister, I'd say it's more in character for him to never fight back to a woman no matter what. That shit was sad and would break any man, but he was saved by those women in his childhood!

CosmicBlu • 1 year ago

Brilliantly said!!

Riham lol • 9 months ago

I'm a year late but remember when sanji called for robin when black maria captured him? he called her because he knew she could protect him, he realized women don't need men to protect them all the time, so he's showing some progress at least

King • 9 months ago

the difference is the never hit a women is something zeff taught him and zeff is the one person sanji respects more than anyone so hes always gonna live by what zeff taught him which is what makes sanji great he sticks to his morals

King Sid • 1 year ago

Thats stupid af

Rannen19 • 1 year ago

That's how he was portrayed and it is supposed to believe he is a real man from the bottom of his heart respecting women.

CosmicBlu • 1 year ago

are you joking right now? You should know that what P.O.W.E.R said right there was 100%, and I AM a woman. Try to see the bigger scope of what his statement is trying to impart, not just the surface stuff - you'll go farther in life. PeeCe.

Itz easssy_idontdance • 1 year ago

King sid was agreeing with power

King Sid • 1 year ago

I agree with power you idiot , look who I replied

Michael Angelo • 6 months ago

it was never about respect, it is about principle.

Guillaume Feuvrier • 1 year ago

Sanji is a beast, catch up to know more

Rocker bee • 1 year ago

No Zoro is a beast. Sanji is a powerful person held back by his horniness which literally gets him manipulated multiple times by girls and getting into trouble. Zoro doesn't let himself get caught off guard occasionally like Sanji does because Sanji is a huge simp which has shown to be a liability time and time again.

Biren Shrestha • 1 year ago

Zoro also doesn't like to cut women, he didn't cut tashigi, didn't cut monet.

Itz easssy_idontdance • 1 year ago

Naa zoro also doesn't cut women, punk hazard is proof

Rocker bee • 1 year ago

He does cut women if he thinks they're a threat to him. We've seen him hurt and knock out women in the past even if he didn't kill them. Sanji on the other hand would never lay hands on a women because he is too much of a simp. Even if Zoro doesn't kill a woman he is still willing to hurt them as seen with what he did with harpi girl in punk hazard. He didn't kill her but he messed her up badly preventing her from reforming

Abhinav Neoharys Varma • 1 year ago

And minorities too

lady vivi ★ • 1 year ago

Mr. Prince!

Basanta • 1 year ago

and luffy is idiot as always

Anime God • 1 year ago

Sanji is a simp.

King Luffy • 1 year ago

Agree with you

Meowmeowers • 1 year ago

Sanji is Sexist. Periodt

Solar • 1 year ago

Yeah Zorro pull a DBZ move by taking The hit!

Ace of Fire🔥 • 1 year ago

Yeah Zoro is awesome tho the title is worse generation get wiped out but Zoro saved their all asses you could see how much grateful Kid and Law was.

Nami D. Navigator • 1 year ago

Zoro is so pure Badassness compare to Sanji but both of them are Great uwu

luufy • 1 year ago

Same but for me #1.Luffy
#3.sanji then Marco, Rayleigh and others come

g@be • 1 year ago

Me: *soflty* Zoro
Comenters: GIVE HIM A 100 LIKES!

Kusuo Saiki • 1 year ago

Das bones? Is that the mountain guy with do flamingo? Thats when he caught my eye. Yeah, Sanji got the shit end of the stick lately. He should be much cooler but he's been falling back in power level and weaknesses.

kloaf123 • 1 year ago

Das bones I believe is the sword sword guy. Mr 1 from cross crew

Edited to Mr. 1 after a correction in comments

TheBattleSage • 1 year ago

Mr. 1 u mean

kloaf123 • 1 year ago

That's right. Croc was 0 and Bon clay was 2

Kusuo Saiki • 1 year ago

Ohhhhh! Right. Thanks it's been a minute since then

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

I Agree!!

BUGGS25 • 1 year ago

how could u make a mistake like that !!! the man as a KATANA = more colliness 🤣🤣🤣

unknown unknown • 1 year ago

When I was a wee lad, the anime just started, when I grew up 20 years later, the anime still didnt end....
the anime still didn't end....
please let it end....

Tony Grant • 1 year ago

how can you want it to end wth is wrong with you

unknown unknown • 1 year ago

the reasons?
It has become more childish and milked than DBZ on steroids.
They're getting too close to the manga in the last 2 arcs and we can see that perfectly as after 1-3 episodes of snail pace plot, we get a recap / flashback...

You can litteraly make 5-6 episodes with the amount of recapped \ flashbacked time we had.

the_shepherd • 1 year ago

we got another 3-5 years of this anime so buckle up

Takaflame • 1 year ago

Zoro just stopped the world's strongest attack ever!!!

Con D Oriano • 1 year ago

I love the fact that even Kid praise him

King • 1 year ago

It's amazing he's still alive

Azrael • 1 year ago

well That`s How he got nerfed for further fights

blacksparkss21 • 12 months ago

from what i knowm, Zoro always gets much more stronger in times like this, and that if you remember Arabasta arc,where he fought the sharp guy,he ended up stronger.

Zoro attacks get past him

Smug AkatsuKLEE • 1 year ago

"you dodged it kaido must be because it hurts" that trashtalk hurts kaido's ego too 😂